Tips When Using Public Transportation

Traveling from one town to another can be a blessing or a nightmare if not managed well.

1. Do not eat meals that give you a running stomach on the day of travel. Also avoid eating anyhow. Some meals will send you to the toilet quicker than you reach your destination. You cant eat maize, Pizza, Chicken, sweet potatoes and Gali at the same time.

2. Do not be over friendly. The bus has a way of making even strangers feel like they’re family.

3. Do not pack too many bags. You may forget some.

4. Don’t boast. Being on the bus makes everone want to show that they are rich. Do not be tempted. You may invite trouble.

5. Get enough rest the night before. You do not want to sleep the whole way. You may miss your destination.

6. Do not carry too much cash. Cash has a way of inviting attention without you knowing.

7. Tell little but do not be strange. Be brief in your answers and show little vulnerability.

8. Inform your loved ones of the name of the bus and estimated time of arrival. It’s important to have witnesses.

9. Secure your phones, purse and belongings while on the bus. Some neighbors are pocket pickers.

10. Be security concious. Know what, where, when, how and possibly why? When disembarking ensure you carry all your belongings. 

Bon voyage.
