Maidei from Zvipani (Folktale)


One Monday morning an old man met Mrs Mangwaira who lived at a house near Zvipani Growth Point and asked her if she could look after his daughter for a day, as the father had to go get a mechanic to fix his truck from Karoi. Maidei and Father were from the same area different sides of the village.

She accepted the young girl into her home and said feel free in our house, I will take good care of you said Mrs Mangwaira.

Maidei as a good cultured girl decided to help out with cleaning the home, Mrs Mangwaira's daughter Farisai appeared with her friend Fadzai throwing rubbish on the ground that was being swept by Maidei.

Farisai seemed to be an ignorant girl as she kicked Maidei's bucket as she was busy mopping inside the house.

It was not a very good day for Maidei as Mrs Mangwaira kept on pilling plates for the young girl to clean as her daughter was chatting with Ashton her neighbour who was a conducter at CAG Coaches that ply Bulawayo to Zvipani vise-versa.

After a long day, she rested and slept, beside her was Takaenda Takaenda the cat, who was now very close to Maidei.

Very early morning around 6am, Farisai in her night dress woke Maidei up to fetch water for her to bath.

Maidei who had not spent more than a day at this house was very sad at how she was being treated, she was more sad as she saw local area kids go to school as she was busy fetching water in the morning.

Mrs Mangwaira cooked breakfast for her daughter and friends while Maidei was given the burnt left over food in the pot, she did not dis-pear and gave Takaenda Takaenda some of the food. Ashton was there having a good time in the kitchen.

Mrs Mangwaira told Maidei to go and fetch more water from the well,as they left Ashton was sneaking from behind the corner going to Farisai's bedroom.

As Maidei came back she had a moaning sound and crying, Takaenda Takaenda the cat jumped open the door and Maidei saw Ashton and Farisai having a good quality time.Ashton was shocked as he was about to finish and Farisai was now on the 7th heaven.

Ashton and Farisai angrily opened the door. Ashton kicked the cat while Farisai beat up Maidei as they had been disturbed at the enjoyment of the highest level never seen before.

Farisai told her mother that they had been disturbed by Maidei as they were having a good quality time.The mother went straight to the young girl as was seated on the corner crying.

As they got closer to the young girl a bright light shined...

She changed to a beautiful princess, the three were shell shocked of what was happening at that moment, Mrs Mangwaira fell to her knees and was powerless.

At that moment a scotch cart appeared outside the house, the beautiful Maidei took Takaenda Takenda and went with him.The three asked for forgiveness and asked her not to go but she told them she would not stay at such an unfriendly home.She told them to never ill treat people and be kind  to those  in need as she left.

Maidei was actually the Hurungwe Princess that always pretended to be a young girl to seek evil unkind people in Hurungwe and change their hearts to be better people.She continued with her mission to to fulfill her good deeds and help make Hurungwe a better place.

***Lesson : This is why when you visit any home in Hurungwe you are treated with love and care they fear it may be the Hurungwe Princess in disguise.
