Medically NHOWA inonzi FONTANELLE

This is long, but worthy reading.

Mwana achizvarwa anenge ane two fontanelles dziri nechepakati pemusoro one kumberi and the other nepamashure, yekumberi ihombe kupfura yekumashure.

By God's ingenious design the fontanelles help to make child birth easy because the bones of the baby's head are not fused together but separated by the fontanelles and sutures which makes it collapsible when passing through the birth canal. 

Ndiri kuti musoro wemwana unodzokedzana pakuzvara kuitira nzira inenge iri diki zvoite kuti mai vasakuvara pakuzvara. 

Mabhonzo emusoro uyu are like pieces of a puzzle zvakangoputirwa neganda remusoro. After the birth of a child the head remoulds into a normal head shape zvochizondosiyana pa mouldings pacho umwe anozoita gotsi hombe *(Sikombingo)*πŸ˜‚πŸ˜†πŸ€£ umwe huma hombe sesu vamwe vana *(musoro bhangu)*πŸ€­πŸ€­πŸ˜‚πŸ˜† vanondotaurwa, and this happens in less than a week after birth.

After moulding the two fontanelles remain visible achitobatika and they close as the baby grows.

Fontanelle yekumashure closes earlier than the front one coz its smaller in size, by 2 months after birth it should have closed but it can delay in closing coz of some conditions and reasons like malnutrition and some illnesses.

The front one takes longer to close up to 9-18 months with some even beyond that coz of reasons I gave earlier. The front one inotamba zvinoenderana nekurova kunoita hana (heart beat) yemwana. Hana yemwana inorova fast kana achichema, kurwara, kuseka etc so nhova inotevedzerawo izvozvo and a parent can/should tell that the baby is not well by looking at the fontanelle especially when the baby is sick. In illness the fontanelle bulges especially with diseases which cause a rise in the temperature of the baby. 

Looking at the fontanelle one can tell if the baby is getting enough fluids or note.

When the child is getting enough fluids a normal fontanelle will be leveled with the skull and when the baby is dehydrated it collapses poita kagomba kana mukapabata.

Nutrition is key in the care of a baby and breast milk is the best . 

Infants have little body tissue and have more of body fluids, because of this they are very sensitive to lacking enough fluids which causes dehydration. 

Ideally a child should be fed every 2-3 hrs during the day and 3-4 hrs at night, this regiment ensures that the baby is well fed and hydrated until anyatsoguta.

Now when not fed kusvika pakuguta and it occurs several times because amai havasi kuita nemazvo or mwana ari kurwara haana appetite dehydration then sets in coz the body loses more fluids than it is taking in.

The way God created us is that pakufema kwatinoita we use nose and mouth tichitorarama and our respiratory system (passages dzinofamba nemweya watinofema into the lungs) produces madzihwa which trap and clean the air we breath for our safety. Madzihwa aya anogadzirwa kubva panoperera our nostril kusvika kuma lungs. Madzihwa aya kana azara netsvina the body senses that then we cough them out, sneeze or swallow them.

So kana mwana aita dehydration like what happens to anyone, madzihwa aye instead of being in a liquid form which can be easily swallowed or sneezed out they form a thick paste which closes the air passages panosangana mhuno nemuromo and usually mhuno yemwana inovhara kufema kwobva kwanetsa. At this stage mwana usually if the parent is observant should pick that the baby is not well. 

Kana mhuno yemwana yakavhara nedzihwa mwana anenge asara ne option yekufema nemuromo


When the child can't breathe well by the nose coz of blockages the child uses the mouth, which is normal anyway. Because the child is breathing using the mouth you will realize that they refuse feeds because the moment they want to feed they can't breathe and situation gets to another level as the child continues to deteriorate. Dehydration becomes severe and the child is weak and not active. Vakuru vobva vauya vaona mwana or moenda naye kuvakuru vaona fontanelle yemwana yakawira vokuudzai kuti mwana ane nhova. 

Intelligent as they are, they know how to help and some baby's recover while some die.

So mambuya anokwesha nhova vanotora mishonga yavo yakasiyana siyana yosanganiswa pamwe nemukaka wamai voisa pachigumwe chavo vopinza mumuromo wemwana vachinokokora kubvisa chidzihwa Chiya chinenge chakavhara mhuno dzemwana........haaaaa it's a painful process mai vemwana vanotombodzingwa kana mbuya dzaapamushando.πŸ˜† 

Mukanwa medu umu muri so delicate munongoda zvinonaka chete zviri soft kwete chigumwe nenzwara dzambuya. kkkkk

Mbuya vakunozorawo mishonga yavo iya panhova yemwana. After all this some baby's make it while some don't. 

What these mambuya don't know is that once dehydration sets in the body organs like kidney, liver, brain etc are affected especially when the dehydration is severe.

So vanokwesha havo nekurwadzisa mwana vachiti vari kubatsira iye mwana atove ne kidney failure kudhara so vanongogumira mukukwesha imomo votopihwa huku nembudzi zvavo kana zvaenda nepasipo movaona vouya kuzobata maoko. 

Though they are somehow helpful as we can testify but the way they do things is not the proper way.

*Hydration, dehydration, sick child.*

The best way of preventing dehydration in a baby is to make sure that the baby is getting enough milk at all times. Ndinorwadziwa hangu nevamwe vana mai vanoti mwana ari kuchema ivo instead yekuyamwisa vanoti chimbogarai naye ikoko ndimbopedzisa basa rangu apa mwana ari kuchema kuti ndave nenyota.  


babies should always be hydrated as the 1st measure to avoid dehydration inozotisvitsa kunokweshesa vana nanambuya.

A wise parent should quickly see and note that a baby is not well, do what you know is supposed to be done and is correct if you have the knowhow but if you don't know it's best to go and seek medical attention.

Kana mauya kuKiriniki or hospital kwedu we fully assess the child and do some tests including kidney function, liver function etc and determine what's really happening to the baby, the child is given medication or treatment accordingly and if it's severe and needs be, the child is admitted oiswa drip for rehydration, opiwawo ma cough syrup aya to liquify makararwa akakora nekuomarara aya and in days if not hours the baby is on the road to recovery. If other vital body organs have been affected there are also medications to try and reverse and make them function properly as before.

However kuuya chichipatara munogona kuuya henyu but survival chance is high if you come early than late. If it's severe some body systems shut down irreversibly coz of the delays and the baby is lost. 

So mupei mukaka wakakwana, be observant to the child, each day is different from the another. Seek medical attention early. 

Paya pamunoyamwisa paya it's time to bond, observe and talk to the child noting differences from the normal you know.

Twunana shumba nana sambiri utwu kana twuchiyamwa zvatwo muchitaura natwo muchideedza mutupo munoona twuchisekerera, twuchisimudza makumbo nemaoko twuchitsunya nekurova, moziva kuti zenze/dziwa vari bhooo apa. 

.........today it was long, let's keep babies healthy they are our gifts. Isu vamwe ndopane yese pavana.

Have a blessed day and share especially with young mothers and varikure nemadhorobha.



  1. Beautiful post. The long read eventually became short. Thank youπŸ‘

  2. Thank you very much for the knowledge

  3. Thank you very much i appreciate


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