Sly Queens of Mzansi


Men beware! Here are characteristics all slayqueens share

An Oxford Dictionary definition of socialite is ‘a person who is well known in fashionable society and is fond of social activities and entertainment.’

A slayqueen on the other hand is a cheap ‘brand’ of socialite living ‘theirbest lives’ facilitated by ‘sponsors’.

Identifying a Slayquen is as easy as ABCD and you should not have a problem planning your priorities on who you want to spend on.

Slayqueen is direct opposite of a wife material with their characteristics reverse of the other.

Men, I am here to help you out get a wife material if you have already ‘kissed a lot of frogs.

Here is a list of characteristics;

1.Use expensive phones

Slayqueens are the ‘highest’ calibre of ladies available in Johannesburg and even beyond.

They got Iphones, Samsungs and the latest Huawei in town.

2.Take pictures of everything

They take pictures of every food they eat and mostly it is in expensive restaurants.

When they stoop low to common Mopani Worms they create hashtags like #firstdayeatingmopaniwarms

3.Choice of language (British English)

They rarely speak local languages (Zulu/Xhosa/Pedi) etc and their English is always with fake accent.

Oh my gosh and wharever are predominant in their conversations.

4.Don’t use public transport

Taxi is not their thing.

They highly speak of cabs and when you want to meet them, then you have to be loaded with Uber money.

These ladies, however, on the contrary, they uses cheap means of transport and even sometimes bargain.

5.Thrives in Blueticks

This is the worst enemy of a boychild.

Slayqueens always leave Whatsapp and other social media chats unread. You will get their inboxes with more than 100 unread messages and 200 blueticked.

They will be the first to text when they want favors.

6.Has a lot of makeup

With the ‘beauty’ they talk about, their loads of makeup in their bodies can paint Johannesburg city.

They will apply foundations and other layers of beautification which makes one looks totally different from the original person.

This has been a challenge to men when they ‘scoop’ ladies from clubs.

7.Always in the gym

Their gym sessions are not for working out but taking pictures.

A bigger percentage of their gym time is snapchat and Instagram live showing her followers how she is living her ‘best life’.

So men beware and make right decisions when looking for a girlfriend.

Which other characteristics have you experienced?
