What is a relationship? This is a topic that we usually treat with little significance as far as what it entails goes. This article would however try to digress the building blocks of what can in other words be referred to as relationship.
A state of long connection between a person and another that involved mutual dealings especially intimacy and emotional attachments basically refer to as relationship. Therefore, for a certain kind of connection to qualify as a relationship, the persons involved, for quite some time must have created an understanding of some degree physically and emotionally.
When establishing a relationship certain felicity conditions are taken into consideration. First, either parties conduct soul searching internally to ascertain their feelings toward the relationship pact. Second, the possibilities of benefiting are calculated should the formation of the relationship prove successful. The happiness and contentment then becomes the deal sealers for they are the supreme reasons for the relationship—if there is likelihood of an unrivaled blissfulness.
The process of meeting with and talking to someone a couple of times is what creates a relationship. The more you become acquainted, the more you draw nearer to literally creating a relationship. This determined connection hatches when you ‘suddenly’ experience the great feeling that you want to be a part of someone’s life just to express your continued care for them.
The moment one has someone he or she feels he they need to everything about their lives and care for in life, then the world can confirm that the person is in a relationship, other variables notwithstanding.
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