The debate on whether love exist or not lack is not ending anytime soon. By the way, the love this article is looking into is intimate. So, does love exist? The answer to this question is dynamic depending on the situation one is in with regards to love. If currently you are in happy relationship then definitely you will respond in affirmative to the question. How about if your lover recently bolted under ‘unclear circumstances’? Response here to the question would be rather negative. In other words, the correct answer to the existence of love is yes and no depending majorly on what your definition of love is.
May be we’ll have to create for purposes of this article a common definition of love, to work with in determining its existence. Okay, love is an endless preeminent devotion to another induced by the commanding admiration you experience as a result of their presence. To beak this down a little bit: it is life-long feeling, it is immense as it is connecting. And this brings us to the elusive question as to whether the feeling usually experienced of strong emotional attachment to someone is truly love. If it is, why does relationships break down for this and that reason? Why do we claim thereafter that we didn’t love when it looked like it before?
Could this feeling we get when we are with that person be referred to anything but love? Or does it mean everyone has a different perspective of love and what it entails? Are feelings put on and off at will or do they grow by themselves and connect to the object of affection? Still, do we believe love is learning to put up with the other and focus on what keeps you happy in the relationship?
The questions raised in the foregoing paragraph are not easy to answer and interestingly behind them lies everyone’s definition of love. This does not in any way propound that love is only according to how it is defined up there; neither does it envy your understanding of love or contradict what you see it as.
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