Why Being In The Friend Zone Sucks Big Time For A Guy

1. She tells you all the good things about her boyfriend and there you are wishing you could jump off a cliff.

2. She keeps wanting to talk to you and hang out with you all the time but wants nothing more from you.

3. She tells you about the horrible fights she’s had with her boyfriend but gets back with him the very next day.

4. She still doesn’t want you even when she breaks up with her boyfriend…
and you can’t help but wonder why?

5. Then one day she’ll just drop that “you’re like a brother to me” statement on you.

6. You keep dropping hints, hoping she’ll see that you have feelings for her but she doesn’t.

7. She wears all those sexy outfits around you and you can’t do nothing.

8. Or she dresses shady when with you but always wears sexy outfits when with other guys.

9. She flirts with other guys in front of you.

10. When she introduces you to her boyfriend then hugs or kisses him in front of you.

11. She constantly asks you for help on serious issues and you are like “Isn’t that her boyfriend’s job?”

12. You watch a movie with her from start to finish…you can’t interrupt it with a kiss as it should be done.

13. You see other guys using her and feel you could do better.

 14. Sometimes she tries to hook you up with other girls when the one you want to see yourself with is her.

15. You keep having fantasies about the nasty sexual things you wanna do to her but you just keep them bottled up.

16. She tells you ridiculous things like “You’re so amazing. Any girl would be lucky to have you as her boyfriend.”

17. She makes plans with you because her boyfriend wasn’t free
and then cancels on you at the last minute because guess what, he got free.

18. You share your deepest darkest most innermost secrets with her…
thinking she’ll realize you love her but no! That’s never going to happen!
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19. Despite knowing she doesn’t love you, there is nothing in the world you wouldn’t do for her.
You’ve never been so selfless in your entire life and you hate how you cannot control being so nice to her every time.

20.You have this constant urge to tell her that you like her
but then you fear that she might just reject you and it might jeopardize the friendship.

21. But one day you decide to confess your true feelings and tell her how you’ve loved her for a long time.
But she still rejects you and that’s where the friendship ends.
