Nzou /Zhou / Ndlovu Totem - what they represent

The Elephant totem, the Nzou/Zhou have a number of classes(chidawu).Affectionately known as Mhukahuru meaning the big animal or Indlovu. They are scattered across the country some in the North along the Zambezi valley. These are the Tonga, Tavara, Karanga, Ndebele, Remba. The totem represents mighty people who are well built, big statured and destructive. They’re great hunters mostly the Karanga, Remba and Tonga whereas the Ndebele produce great fighters. The elephant totem is comprised of people with great skill in arts, sports and academics today. In Zimbabwe most Nzou people are great footballers for example Peter Ndlovu, great musicians Oliver Mutukudzi to mention but a few. They’re composed with athleticism and intelligent although they’re few in population. Their dialectical classes comprises of Samanyanga(great horns/tusks), Suwani, Mushavi.

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