The small rodent or mice(mbeva, mbeya, amagundwani) is a dualised totem representing two groups of people who are well known as Musoni (the main mouse), hwesamasango (a solitary mouse). The main mouse is common in the Save valleys around Buhera with people who are very intelligent, talkative, peaceful and quite unlike the later one solitary mouse which comprises of hostile people who are aggressive and enjoys solitary lives. They’re both good hunters, with good fighters and smart too. They are light in complexion, well built and beautiful women. The Hwesa people hail from Manyika near the Eastern highlands Nyamapanda boarder.
samanyika .com
I thought hwesa is from mozambique
ReplyDeleteYou are right Hwesa are from Mozambique and settled along the Kairezi river in Nyanga, im sure after there was migration
DeleteWe are not from Mozambique,origionally from Hwedza and Chivi area,we migrated to Nyanga area because or conflicts and witchcraft then from Musoni we called ourself mhoni,that mice or rate with a black line at the back. We then called ourselves vana mudya masikati usiku ndehwe varoyi in relation to that mice that only feeds during the day
DeleteI am one of them and my rural home is Buhera. Musoni Varichitopi Dzimbabwe .
ReplyDeleteWhat's the difference with us - Katerere, excluding of caise6the differences in the "mbeva's"
ReplyDeleteThere is no difference. My grandma was a Hwesa. When you start citing you totem, there's a part you mention Hwesa Katerere. It's a place you hail from and I think it's in Manicaland, neat the borders. Most of the Hwesa Katerere are mixed race (coloured) or very light in complexion. My granny was mixed race.
DeleteMbeva , imbeva there is no difference.Even Zhou is mbeva
DeleteHwesa imbeva ine 2 lines at the back.Nzvangaranga pachikorekore vana Mhizha
I am one of them, proudly Hwesa
ReplyDeleteProudly madzingira of the Musoni clan
ReplyDeleteSo do i musoni madzingira from nyanga nyatate
DeleteProudly hwesa
ReplyDeleteProudly hwesa. Most of the trait the author mentioned makes a true reflection of myself
ReplyDeleteWhy is there no mention of Mhizha based in hurungwe.
ReplyDeleteVaripano * nyakunaka* vepa mudzimu
Deleteproudly mbeva musoni light in complexion and beautifully built...
ReplyDeleteNdini mumwe wacho calling all the Mhoni clan +27740890450
ReplyDeleteMzukuru wa JOFIRISI and Chigo moved from Inyanga due to position in Chief-Dom vane idea please ndibatei i need to know my roots
Musoni mbeva ndodada nazvo
ReplyDeleteMusoni zungunde matanda
ReplyDeleteIriko here Musoni vachi era Zhou
ReplyDeleteMasonic is Mbeva
DeleteI am proud of being Hwesa the TERERE family
ReplyDeleteIt's Katerere
DeleteMbeva / hwesa/ pachikorekore tinoti nzvangaranga ndivo vana mhiizha, vanamacheka vakavanda vari muGuruve...The Mapira, Mupeti and Muparaganda, Mupingashato are brothers to Katerere .hey are all sons of Chigumbura who had 12 wives.sons of Mupeti are Mutseta, , Makore, Zachariah in Hurungwe and many others. Ndivana Mhizha mbeva masonic hwesa/nzvangaranga mouse with two black lines at the back.
DeleteYou can also find us in Chiweshe, Pasipamire, Chigwada 0772397754
DeleteYou have a rich history. All along I was wondering who are Katerere's brothers and the name of his father.
DeleteDzomba Katerere
Proudly hwesa masango
ReplyDeleteIs mbewe from Malawi also same as musoni hwesa
ReplyDeleteVanaMhizha vanoera mbeva hatina kuwanda kufanana nemimwe mitupo ini ndinobva kuHurungwe but original kuri kwaMurewa vabva neku Nyanga kwataterere
ReplyDeleteAm proudly Hwesa and we from Malawi,born and bread in Zimbo
ReplyDeleteOriginally we are from Tanzania(which is Tanga nyika) then vakuru vakapinda muna Zambezi from there Guruve which is called Guruuswa ndipo pakaparadzana hama idzi Nana sahwira vede vekwa Shumba zvakasara muguruve vakatevera Zambezi vakuru vedu vakanozorora vave Mamurehwa ndokuzopinda munyika yeMozambique. Vave imomo vakazodzoka vakapinda Mumakomo eNyanga nokuve noutongo hwakunzi hwakaTerere. TMbeva imwe chete vanhu kuchinja chidawo kuda kuti a vamwe asi inzvangauranga.
ReplyDeleteI am tracing the lineage of Gwabada, anyone with information please email