Mhofu /Mpofu Totem - what they represent

The Eland (Mhofu/Mpofu) totem is a very popular totem of scattered people. They’re known as Vahera or chihera (females), Mwendamberi (going forward), Musiyamwa or Mhofuyemukono (the mighty bull eland). Their women are known to produce infidels, cheating wives and prostitutes, they challenge husbands and dominate their homes entirely. These women too produce deadly witches. However, their males are hardworking, great hunters and united warriors. They’re not so intelligent, but consistency and hardworking makes them successful. They produce good sportsmen too for example Memory Mucherahowa one of the most decorated footballers in Zimbabwe. The females boasts of being good in bed, beautiful and irresistibly charming. Hardwork makes them successful both males and females.

samanyika .com


  1. This is not good and lacks depth

  2. Oh I see, it turns out your whole organization somewhat lacks the proper tools to do proper research. Mwendamberi isn't it chidawo for Nondo which is a Tssessebe in English.?!

    1. There realy is Shava Mwendamberi

  3. well... isn't this disapointing.... A very shallow generalisation of entire group of people. Reads as if the author of this was wronged by one.

  4. did not get the info I needed

  5. Did u get your heart broken by a Chihera


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