Soko Murehwa Totem

Soko Murehwa
Maita Soko,
Maita Murehwa,
Zvaitwa Matarira, Soko yangu yiyi.
Maita Marovahombe, mwana webveni,
Chirongo changu chichichi.
Zvaitwa Mukanya, zvaitwa tateguru,
Zvaitwa Wagutahuzamura.
Maita zvenyu vari Kakoromokwa,
VaGurusvusvu, vana vaGurumwandira.
Maita Varisinamhapa,
Vamahobi anenge rihwa.
Zvaitwa Mukuruvara,
Mushonga namawere.
Kuziva zvenyu Mvurume.
Maita mwana waPfumojena,
Muranga nepfumo.
Maita vaJena, Chirongo changu chichichi,
Vano kufamba kunenge kukavira nyimo,
Kutizira kuchinge kudyara nzungu,
Makudzagwara, vanorarama nezvokuba.
Maita vari Mandiya,
Vari Kaporomondo.
Zvaitwa mwana webveni, Makumbe,
Vakakumba zvese netsombori,
Mukati pahwenya napahwohwa namatunduru,
Matamba nehute zvose,
Vana vaNzvere naKanorimona, mhanza ichipenyn'a
Semheni yemvura yemunhurukwa.
Maita zvenyu vaChibatebate,
Pambambarize maiti mobviswa maiti ndofira pano.
Pamasvosve maitakura chara negumbo vaHuye Mukonde.
Mava pashongwe mokarara mukono waTingini
Wakabva Mahumwi kwakarera mukanwa nomunyu.
Maita mwana waChinamhora,
Vanebvudzi risingapumhwi,
Vana vaMushambanezhizha.
Zvaitwa mwana waTingini, ari Mahumwi,
Anokwira rupara nemeno,
Tatenda Chirngo changu chichi,
Aiwa zvaonekwa Mugagami.


  1. May you please share the origin of this totem

  2. Which part of Zimbabwe?

  3. Nhai vakadzi vanoera soko vanodanwa kuti chii?)

  4. The Soko ancestors came from the caves of Domboshava, from there they scatered around Murehwa and other areas. Original Soko tribe carry the surnames , Chidziva, Chinhamhora, Masango, Mhembere and so on. Very big Shona tribe. When the Sokos need to appease their ancestors the ceremonies are normally done in the areas where their ancestors lived and were buried, Areas like Domboshava caves, Guruskwa and others I am not aware.

    1. Mention more names don't say and so on

  5. Where does soko murehwa clan came from

  6. Wow😱😱😱😱

  7. They also come from Chishawasha hills

  8. This saved me on my homework
    Thank you

  9. Hi could you please help me with the origin of soko murehwa


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