Moyo Muturikwa Totem

Moyo Muturikwa
Maita Moyo,
Maita Nhumba,
Chirandu changu chichi.
Zvaitwa vari Nhandare,
Maita vaReve,
Tatenda vamazhumu,
MuGutsa wangu yuyu,
Vamabwe machena,
Maita vari muna Shavanhohwe,
Moyo yangu yiyi
Maita zvenyu, Moyo
Mugona kuronga nhau
Zano renzombe

Aiwa zvaitwa Muturikwa
Aiwa zvaitwa Muturikwa.


  1. maita moyo
    maita muturikwa
    zvaitwa vanyamita
    zvaitwa gono
    vari dimbiti
    vari nhowe
    varere mumakomo
    vamabwe machena
    vokwa cheza nasaki
    vaifamba namadhananga
    vagari vemumhango
    maita mamuzunzini

  2. Saka takasiyana ne moyo chirandu hre isu tiri moyo muturikwa hre

  3. From my understanding we are not the same with the Chiranduz that is why vanasikana vana Muturikwa vachinzi vana Nyamita.Hanzi takabva kumwasikana wamambo Mangwende.

    1. Am moyo muturikwa one day I consulted a prophet and he told me that munopembedza dzinza risiri renyu asi zvakatangira Kure kumatateguru edu ,I went home and asked my daddy about it and he told me a different version from what you mentioned above akati makunakuna akaitika mumusha mwana komana akanzi atongwe zvikanzi nevakuru iyo ngaimboturikwa tine dzimwe dzisati dzatongwa mukomana akatiza pamusha akabva atanga kuzviti moyo muturikwa but again I raised a question to him ndikati achievable pamoyo chii?answer yakashaikwa

  4. Chirandu refers to a bull. It is our tradition that Totem is derived from the male and passed on to his offspring. However, this is where it becomes interesting, the Moyo totem is the only totem within MaDzimbabwe culture that originated with a woman. The very first muyera Moyo is Dhlembeu product of incest which camouflaged as “immaculate conception”. His mother “wapamoyo” as the women were referred to within the Soko clan gave birth and passed her praise name to him. However, wapamoyo was only in reference to the women and the so to distinguish he became a Moyo Chirandu (bull). Yes all the Moyos are Chirandus.


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